JUST ASK is a service available to cleantech companies who are in need of advice or assistance with regard to a range of issues which an adviser is in a position to address.
We welcome our first JUST ASK service provider, JA Kemp, a leading UK and European firm of patent and trade mark attorneys, J A Kemp has expertise in protecting intellectual property across all cleantech sectors and is an experienced user of the UK-IPO “Green Channel”. Our work covers areas as diverse as fuel cells, biofuels, recycling, water treatment, combustion engine management and renewable energy including wind, wave, solar power and bio-reactors.
In order to use this service, cleantech businesses should be a member of the London Cleantech Cluster. Then, simply send an email to clive@londoncleantech.co.uk with JUST ASK in the heading and your question will be passed on to the appropriate service provider.