It is proposed that LCC will help to promote and encourage engagement in existing programmes in the region and to identify new opportunities to support cleantech businesses and to facilitate the deployment of sustainable solutions.
LCC highlights the following existing programmes:
London Hydrogen Partnership’s main objective is to work towards establishing a hydrogen economy for London and the UK. It aims to: establish and maintain dialogue among partners to enhance business opportunities with the fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) sector; work with partners to showcase the environmental benefits of their FCH technologies; procure, adopt and trial FCH technologies across the GLA group where feasible and provide a platform for funding bids and initiating new projects.
RE:FIT is the Mayor of London’s innovative scheme to reduce carbon emissions in Greater London. The overall aim is an ambitious one, to help accelerate reduction of energy use, cutting energy bills and helping the delivery of the Carbon reduction targets for London’s public buildings. The RE:FIT programme can be used for a broad range of measures to reduce CO2 emissions. It covers insulation and building fabric improvements, replacement or upgrading of mechanical and electrical services equipment and the installation of bespoke energy efficiency measures such as CHPs or voltage optimisation equipment.
RE:NEW is a pan-London scheme designed to make it easier for all householders to improve the energy efficiency of their homes and, as a result, make homes warmer, cut fuel bills and lower CO2 emissions across London. The scheme applies to all types of homes across London, including owner occupied, privately rented and social housing. It is a whole-house approach that aims to offer something for every resident in targeted areas in the 32 participating boroughs.
Better Building Partnership programme is aimed at the largest commercial property owners to develop specific sustainability solutions for the sector, such as template green leases and guidance on carbon benchmarking for properties and property portfolios.
LWaRB The London Waste and Recycling Board has a £73m fund to promote activities resulting in less waste being produced, boost the development of waste management infrastructure to help turn London’s waste into new products and renewable energy.
London Heat Map The Decentralised Energy for London programme represents the next logical step in the Mayor’s vision to support the expansion of a more sustainable, secure, cost-effective and low to zero carbon energy supply in the capital. The GLA is committed to working with London boroughs and partners in the private sector to develop opportunities by providing assistance for commercialisation of large decentralised energy projects. The programme will predominantly look at district heating schemes supplied from combined heat and power (CHP) and sources of waste heat. It aims to facilitate over £95m of projects before summer 2014.
London Energy Efficiency Fund. The London Green Fund was established by the London Development Agency (LDA) with the assistance of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and LWARB under the European Commission’s JESSICA initiative (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas). LEEF is one of two Urban Development Funds procured by the EIB on behalf of the London Green Fund. It invests in energy efficiency retrofit to public / voluntary sector buildings, for example: universities, museums, hospitals, schools, local authorities, social housing in order to make them more energy efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
London Community Resource Network. Our services are designed to help LCRN members, partners and clients make better use of resources. Whether you’re a member of the public, a member of LCRN, a representative from a Local Authority or work at a business or NGO, LCRN has something for you. We provide one-on-one consultations, group workshops, events, weekly enews bulletins, job and events postings, environmental audits and more.
London 21 Sustainability Network promotes, supports and networks community-based initiatives for a greener, healthier and more sustainable Greater London.
Please do let us know about other programmes that we can help to promote.